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Questions from Political Sim

The game version of Political Sim has hundreds of interview questions.
Here is a sample, drawn mostly from the humorous " Authors" catagory.

Return to Democracy Evolves! .

Who said (and thought?) " When the president does it, that means it is not illegal."
1) Bill Clinton 2) George Washington 3) Richard Nixon 4) Ronald Reagan

" My definition of a free society is a society in which it is safe to be unpopular." wimpered
1) Adlai Stevenson 2) Bill Clinton 3) Newt Gingrich 4) George IV

In January, 1996, he declared: " The era of big government is over."
1) Vaclav Havel 2) Bill Clinton 3) Helmit Kohl 4) Robert Dole

Who said the United States is " the greatest poem."
1) Walt Whitman 2) Abraham Lincoln 3) Jesse Helms 4) Joseph McCarthy

Marlene Dietrich said " I luf men who try to impress me; they
make me laugh. " Who claimed " Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."
1) Mahatma Gandhi 2) Abe Lincoln 3) Henry Kissinger 4) Adolf Hitler

According to Ashley Montagu, " It is the mark of the cultured man that he
is aware of the fact that ___ is an ethical and not a biological principle."
1) equality 2) interdependance 3) succession 4) survival of the fittest

According to Reinhold Niebuhr " The tendency to claim God as an ally
for our partisan values and ends is . . . the source of all religious ___."
1) awakening 2) growth 3) dogma 4) fanaticism

Complete this French proverb " If you are under 30 and are not a socialist
you have no heart. If you are over 30 and are still a socialist you have no ___"
1) feet 2) eyes 3) stomach 4) brain

A communist is
1) a person who has given up hope of becoming a capitalist ;
2) a socialist without a sense of humor;
3) a person who has nothing and is eager to share it with others..

A reformer is a person who
1) insists on his conscience being your guide;
2) makes associates feel miserable about their pleasures;
3) rides through a sewer in a glass bottomed boat.

Who said, half jokingly, " The illegal we do immediately.
The unconstitutional takes a little longer."
1) Abbey Hoffman 2) Jimmy Carter 3) Gerald Ford 4) Henry Kissenger

An elected official gets 51% of the popular vote, cast by
40% of registered voters, who are 60% of voting age adults.
Approximately what percent of voting age adults supported the winner?
1) 12% 2) 24% 3) 33% 4) 55%

Who said " We have always known that heedless self-interest
was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics."
1) FDR 2) Boris Yeltsin 3) Ronald Reagan 4) Newt Gingrich

According to Clare Boothe Luce " ___ has done more to cause
the social unrest of the 20th century than any other single factor."
1) Revolution 2) Democracy 3) Socialism 4) Advertising

Who said: " In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French;
I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their own language."
1) Mark Twain 2) Woodrow Wilson 3) Teddy Roosevelt 4) Ronald Reagan



If you have a humorous political quote, and can convince us it is accurate, please send it to:












YesSim Candidate1 12KYesSim Candidate2 12KYes














NoSim Candidate3 12KNoSim Candidate4 12KNo










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