投票的规则为   Accurate 准确的
Democracy 民主
Different jobs for voting need different types of voting.投票不同的工作需要不同类型的投票。

Primer on Voting Rules底漆投票规则


The best voting rules are inclusive, well centered, and decisive.最好的投票规则是包容性,以及为本,果断。
The results can make a group more popular, stable and quick.结果可以使一组比较流行的,稳定和快速。
The tools get stronger from one voting task to the next:这些工具变得更强壮从一个投票的任务:
简介 Introduction 简介 Tragedies of democracy: What's wrong ?民主的悲剧:这是怎么回事?
公关代表和代表 Eras in Voting 时代在投票 Voting Progress: 19th Century , 20th Century , 21st Century .投票进展情况: 19世纪20世纪21世纪
简介 A Small Example 一个小例子 Nine voters: Line up to vote , Plurality , Runoff , Two issues . 9个选民投票多元性径流,有两个问题。
IRV 1谁胜谁负 Chief Executive 行政长官 Instant Runoff Voting: Principle , Merits , Patterns .即时径流投票: 原理优点模式
公关代表和代表 Council Elections 议会选举 Proportional Representation: Principle , Merits , Patterns .比例代表制的原理优点模式
项目地区分布 Funding Choices 资金的选择 Fair-share Spending: Old Problems , Principle , Merits . New公平份额的支出:老问题原理 优点的新。
成对定心 Policy Decision 政策决定 Condorcet & Rules of Order: Principle , Merits , Patterns .孔多塞和规程规定: 原理优点模式
Philosophy . 哲学 Conclusions . 结论 Prints . ↓ Next Slide ↓ 打印 下一张幻灯片↓↓

After this primer shows the need for better voting rules,在此之后底漆显示需要更好的投票规则,
the voting workshop will show the simple steps in each tally. 投票车间将显示在每个理货简单的步骤。
The pdf version has both, plus pictures from PoliticalSim™.PDF版本 ,再加上从PoliticalSim™的照片。
Then download free software to tally votes.然后下载免费软件理货票。


Tragedies of Democracy 悲剧民主

These tragedies were caused by voting rules often used造成这些悲剧是经常使用的投票规则
by nations and towns, co-ops and corporate boards.由国家和乡镇,合作社和企业董事会。
The Northwestern US has been ripped apart for 30 years, as forestry laws are reversed again and again.美国西北部已被撕开了30年,作为林业法律是一次又一次地扭转。 Hasty logging in times of weak regulation wastes resources.虚弱管制时间仓促记录浪费资源。 Sudden limits on logging bankrupt some workers and small businesses. A political pendulum swings; it cuts down forests and species, families and towns.突然限制日志破产,一些工人和小企业的一个政治钟摆 ,它减少了森林和物种,家庭和城镇。

Agencies and businesses often lose wealth when a council changes hands and changes laws.机构和企业,往往失去的财富时,会易手和改变法律。 These reversals are a major cause of war-like politics.这些逆转是一个类似战争的政治的重要原因。

Old ways of adding up votes fail to represent large groups in many places. 增加票的旧方式,不能代表在许多地方的大集团。 In North Carolina, there were enough African- Americans to fill two election districts.在北卡罗来纳州,有足够的非裔美国人,以填补两个选区。 But they were a minority spread out over eight districts.但他们是少数分布在城八区。 So for over 100 years, they won no voice in Congress.因此,100多年来,他们没有赢得国会中的声音。 As voters, they were silenced.作为选民,他们悄无声息。

Can we end such raging or silent tragedies?我们可以结束这种肆虐或无声的悲剧? Better tools give real hope ; we can stop the tragedies caused by the old tools.更好的工具,提供了真正的希望 ,我们可以停止旧的工具所造成的悲剧。


What happens when the political pendulum swings?会发生什么事时,政治钟摆?

Jump to the next slide by clicking the gray link: What's Wrong?点击灰色的链接,跳转到下一张幻灯片:有什么不对?

What's Wrong?有什么不对?

Our defective voting rules come from the failure to see there are different jobs for voting; and these require different types of voting.我们有缺陷的投票规则 ,从失败中看到有不同的投票工作;这些都需要不同类型的投票。

We all know how to decide the simplest sort of issue: A question with only two answers must be answered yes or no.我们都知道如何决定的问题的最简单的排序:,必须回答“是”或“否”,只有两个答案的一个问题。 For such an issue, the “yes” and “no” votes are enough.对于这样一个问题,“Yes”和“没有”的票数不够。

But as soon as three candidates run for one office, the situation becomes more complicated.但只要一间办公室的三名候选人运行,情况变得更加复杂。 Then a yes-no vote is no longer suitable.然后,一个是没有投票权已不再适合。

Sometimes what we want is not an election of a solitary official.有时候,我们要的是不是一个孤立的官员选举。 We want to elect a whole council that represents all the voters.我们希望选出一个代表所有选民的全体委员会。 Then we do not need a system of dividing voters into winners and losers.那么我们就需要一个系统划分成赢家和输家的选民。 Instead we need a way of condensing them, in the right proportions, into their chosen leaders.相反,我们需要的凝结,在正确的比例到他们所选择的的领导人,方式。


Will their votes have any effect?他们的票有什么影响?

Eras ↓ 时代↓

Eras in Democracy时代的民主

The 1800s: Winner-Take-All Districts lead to Off-Center Councils 1800:赢家所有地区,导致偏离中心的议会

Some English-speaking nations still count votes by England's old plurality rule .一些英语为母语的的国家,仍有数票由英国老复数规则。 It elects only one representative from each district; and winning it does not require a majority.选举每区只有一个代表,并赢得它不需要多数。 It merely elects whoever gets the most “yes” votes.它只是选择谁得到最“赞成”票。

Where only the largest party in a district wins a rep, only two big parties thrive.如果只在一个地区最大的一方获胜代表,只有两个大党的蓬勃发展。 So the voters get因此,选民得到

just two real candidates; who offer a very limited choice.只有两个真正的候选人提供了一个非常有限的选择的。

A council majority sets policies ( dark blue in picture).议会多数套政策(图片深蓝色 )。 A small change in one district's popular vote can shift all power, making policies swerve from side to side.在一个地区的民众投票的一个小的变化,可以将所有权力,决策转弯从一边到另一边。

Plurality politics is a war of winner take all.多元性政治是战争的胜利者,采取一切

$ $ $ LAWS $ $ $ $ $ $法律$ $ $

Typical Council Elected By Plurality Rule由复数规则选出的典型会

1900s ↓ 1900年↓

1900s: Fair-Share Representation leads to Off-Center Majorities 1900年:公平分享代表信息中心多数

Proportional Representation (PR) was invented in the late 1800s. 比例代表制 (PR)的发明在19世纪末期。 It ends some problems caused by plurality rule.它结束了复数规则造成了一些问题。 So most democracies have adopted PR.所以大多数民主国家都采用公关。

It elects several people to represent each large district.选出几个人来代表每个大区。 It gives a group that earns, say 10% of the votes, 10% of the seats.它给出了一个组的收入,说10%的选票,10%的席位。 Thus PR delivers fair shares of seats.因此,公关提供的席位公平股。

This leads to broad representation of issues and opinions.这导致了广泛的代表性问题和意见。 But usually there is no central party ( C in picture).但通常是没有中央党(图片 )。 And the two biggest parties refuse to work together.两个最大的党派拒绝一起工作。

So the side with the most seats ( blue and black) forms the ruling majority which then enacts policies skewed toward their side .所以多数席位的一面(蓝色和黑色)的形式执政的多数, 然后制定向一侧倾斜的政策。

$ $ $ LAWS $ $ $ $ $ $法律$ $ $

Typical Council Elected By Proportional Representation由比例代表制选出的典型会

2000s ↓ 21世纪↓

2000s: Ensemble Councils lead to Broad, Centered Majorities 2000年:合奏理事会导致广泛,居中的大多数人

New ensemble councils will elect most reps by Proportional Representation, plus a few by a central rule ( C in picture).合奏理事会由比例代表制选出最代表,再加上一些由中央规则(图片 )。 Later slides show how a voting rule can pick winners with wide appeal and views near the middle of the voters.后来,幻灯片显示如何投票的规则,可以选择具有广泛吸引力和附近中间选民的意见“的得奖者。 Its winners are thus near the middle of a PR council.因此,它的获奖者是附近的一个公关理事会中间。 So they are the council's powerful swing votes. 因此,他们是理事会的强大的摇摆票。

Most voters in the winners' wide base of support don't want averaged or centrist policies.在获奖者的广泛支持基础的多数选民不希望平均或中间派的政策。 They want policies to unite the best ideas from all groups.他们希望政策, 团结所有群体的最好的想法。

$ 美元 $ 美元 $ 美元 LAWS 法律 $ 美元 $ 美元 $ 美元

Ensemble Elected By Central And Proportional Rules由中央和比例规则当选合奏

Progress ↓ 进展↓

一个肥皂盒支持扬声器鞋。 Democracy Evolves 民主演变 一个电视节目,面对一个扬声器。

A “ centrist policy ” enacts a narrow point of view; it excludes other opinions and needs.一个“ 中间派政策 ”制定的狭义上看,它排除了其他的意见和需求。
A “ one-sided policy ” also ignores rival ideas.一个“一边倒政策 ”,也忽视了对手的想法。

A “ compromise policy ” tries to negotiate rival plans.妥协政策 ”,试图以谈判对手的计划。 But contrary plans forced together often work poorly; and so does the average of rival plans.但相反的计划被迫经常在一起工作较差;等竞争对手计划的平均。

A “ balanced policy ” unites compatible ideas from all sides.一个“ 平衡的政策 ”团结来自四面八方的兼容的思想。 This process needs advocates for diverse ideas.这一过程需要多样化的思想主张。 And more than that, it needs powerful moderators.而更重要的是,它需要强大的主持人

A broad balanced majority works to enact broad, balanced policies. 一个广泛的平衡的大部分作品制定广泛的,平衡的政策。 These tend to give the greatest chance for happiness to the greatest number of people.这些往往给最多的人幸福的机会最大。 Excellent policies are a goal of accurate democracy.优秀的政策是准确民主的目标。 Their success is measured by a typical voter's education and income, freedom and safety, health and leisure.他们的成功是衡量一个典型的选民的教育和收入,自由和安全,健康和休闲。

An ensemble is inclusive; yet it is strongly centered and decisive.合奏是包容的,但它是强烈的中心和决定性的。 Voting rules for other tasks can follow this pattern.其他任务的投票的规则可以遵循这个模式。 These will make the organization more popular, stable and quick.这将使得该组织更受欢迎,稳定和快速。 They are likely to avoid the one-sided results and tragedies at the top of this and other pages.他们很可能避免片面的结果和其他网页的顶部悲剧。

Example ↓ 范例↓

A Small Example一个小例子

Nine Voters 九选民

Let's think about an election with nine voters whose opinions range from left to right.让我们想想九选民的意见范围从左至右选举。 The figures in this picture mark the positions of voters on the political left, right or center - as though we asked them,在这张照片的数字,标志着选民对政治的左,右或中心的位置 - 就像我们问他们, “If you want high-quality government services and taxes like Norway or Sweden, please stand here. “如果你想要高品质的政府服务和像挪威和瑞典的税收,请站在这里。 Like Canada?如加拿大? Stand here please.站在这里请。 Like the USA?与美国一样吗? Stand here.站在这里。 Stand over there for Mexico's low taxes and government.”墨西哥的低税率和政府站在那里。“
Nine voters spread out along an issue.九选民摊开沿着一个问题。


High taxes, great gov.高税收,伟大的GOV。 services服务 Low taxes, poor gov.低税率,穷人GOV。 services服务

Jump to the next slide by clicking the gray link: Plurality ↓跳转到下一个幻灯片,点击链接复数灰色

Plurality Election复数选举

Three candidates stand for office.三名候选人的立场办公室。 A voter选民
likes the one whose political position is nearest.喜欢的政治立场是最近的一个。
So voters on the left like the candidate on the left.因此选民在左边像左侧的候选人。

Ms. K is the candidate nearest four voters.女士K是最近四个选民的候选人。
L is nearest two and M is nearest three. L是最近两个和M是最近三个。
Candidates L and M split the voters on the right.考生L和M分裂选民的权利。

Does anyone win a majority? Yes, No. 有谁赢得多数席位
Who wins the plurality or largest share? K, L, M. 谁赢了复数或最大份额?K,L,M。
Who wins the second largest? K, L, M. 谁赢了第二大?K,L,M。
Answers: Mouse over a question, but do not click.答案:将鼠标悬停的问题,但不要点击。

A mere plurality gives the winner a weak mandate .一个单纯的多元化给赢家弱任务。
That is the authority voters give to winners.这是权威选民给获奖者。

By plurality rule, the one with the most votes wins.复数规则,得票最多的一台WINS。


K is nearest four voters. K是最近四个选民。 L is nearest two. L是最接近的两个。 M is nearest three. M是最近的三个。

Runoff ↓ 径流↓

Runoff Election决选

Who wins a runoff between the top two candidates? K, M. 谁赢得前两名候选人之间的 径流K, M.

Two voters who supported L now vote for M.现在选民支持大号投票为M。
Do votes that move count more than others? Yes, No. 不要移动数比别人更多的选票

This winner has the power of a majority mandate.这得主多数任务的权力。
Only four “wasted votes” fail to elect anyone.只有四个“浪费选票”不选人。

Runoffs practically ask, “Which side is stronger?”径流几乎问:“哪一方更强?”

(Later, these voters will use a rule that asks, (后来,这些选民将使用一个规则,要求,
“Where is our center?” “是我们的中心在哪里?”
And a bigger group will use a rule that asks,和更大的集团将使用一个规则,要求,
“Which trio best represents all the voters?”) “三人的最佳代表所有的选民吗?”)

In a runoff, the top two compete one against one.在径流,前两名一争高下。


Candidate M wins the runoff.候选人M赢得了径流。

Two Dimensions ↓ 两个尺寸↓

Politics in Two Issue Dimensions二期尺寸的政治

Voting rules behave the same when opinions do not fit neatly along a line from left to right.投票规则的行为相同的意见不适合整齐地沿着一条线从左至右。

Here a group spreads out on two issue dimensions: left to right plus up and down.下面一组展开两个问题尺寸:左到右加向上和向下。 On the steps of their school, we asked them a second question.在他们学校的步骤,我们询问他们的第二个问题。 It was about an issue apart from taxes and services.这是一个问题,除了税收和服务。

“Please take one step up if you want more regulation. “请走了一步,如果你想要更多的监管。 Take a step down if you want less regulation.如果你想少调控,采取了一步。 Take more steps for more change.”采取更多的步骤,更多的变化。“

Which leaves more wasted votes, plurality or runoff? Which gives the winner a stronger mandate? 这让更多的浪费选票,多元化或径流 ,这给赢家一个更强有力的任务?

Seventeen voters spread out along two issues. 17个选民传播了沿两个问题。


Kay wins a plurality.凯赢得的多数席位。 Em wins a runoff. EM赢得了径流。

Chief Executive ↓ 行政长官↓

Chief Executive行政长官

The Goal of Instant Runoff Voting is this:即时径流投票的目标是这样的:

A majority winner大多数的赢家
from a single election.从单一的选举。

How does it work?它是如何工作的? You rank your favorite candidates,您的排名您最喜爱的的候选人,
as your first choice, second choice, third and so on.您的第一选择,第二选择,第三等。
Then your ballot goes to your first-rank candidate.您的选票,然后进入你的第一个排名候选人。

If no candidate gets a majority, the one with the fewest 如果没有候选人获得多数,用最少
ballots loses . 选票丢失 Then there is another round of counting. 再有就是新一轮的计数。
Your ballot stays with your favorite if she advances.您的选票保持与您最喜爱的,如果她的进步。
It moves to your next choice if your favorite has lost.如果您最喜爱的已经失去了它移动到你的下一个选择。
This repeats until one candidate gets a majority .这种重复,直到一名候选人获得多数。

IRV_2 ↓ IRV_2↓

Instant Runoff Voting, a Tally Analogy即时径流投票,理货类比

Here is an analogy : Each candidate puts out a box.下面是一个比喻 :每个候选人拿出一个盒子。 A voter puts his ballot in his favorite candidate's box.选民将他的选票,在他最喜爱的候选人的盒子。 The ballots are counted.计算选票。

If the box gets a majority of the ballots, it wins.如果方块获得多数选票,获胜。 If not, the voter moves his ballot to another candidate's box.如果不是这样,选民将他的选票,另一名候选人的盒子。 Or, he waits, hoping others will move their ballots to his favorite box.或者,他等待,希望别人将他们的选票,他最喜欢的盒子。

To break that deadlock, we have a rule: If a round of counting ballots finds no winner, the box with the fewest votes is eliminated.为了打破这种僵局,我们有一个规则:如果轮计票,发现没有赢家,得票最少的方块消除。 Its ballots go to each voter's next (2nd) choice -- probably a candidate with similar views and more popularity.它的选票去每一个选民的未来(二)选择 - 可能是一个相似的看法,更多的人气候选人。

These transfers make voters condense into large groups supporting strong candidates.这些转移选民凝结成配套能力强的候选人的大集团。 Ballots are counted again to see if any candidate gets half of the current top ranks.选票计数再次看到,如果任何候选人获得当前名列前茅的一半。

In practice, each voter ranks the candidates as 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd etc. Then election officials move ballots between boxes or a computer tallies them.在实践中,每个选民行列候选人作为第一选择,第二选择,第三等,然后选举官员将在箱子之间或一台电脑是符合他们的选票。

IRV_3 ↓ IRV_3↓

Some Benefits of Instant Runoff Voting are:即时径流投票的一些好处是:

  • A majority winner from one election, so no winners-without-mandates and no costly runoff elections. 一个从一个选举的大赢家 ,所以没有赢家,没有任务和没有昂贵的径流选举。
  • Higher voter turnout , it often drops steeply in runoffs. 更高的投票率,它往往急剧下降径流。
  • Less campaign spending , it often goes up in runoffs. 竞选经费少 ,它往往在径流。
  • Less negative campaigning , because a candidate must ask a rival's supporters for their second-choice votes. 负面竞选 ,因为候选人必须要求为他们的第二个选择票的对手的支持者。
  • No hurting your first choice by ranking a second, because your second does not count unless your first choice has lost. 没有伤害排名第二,你的第一选择,因为你的第二个不计已经失去了,除非你的第一选择。
  • No lesser-of-two-evils choice, because you can mark your true first choice without fear of wasting your vote. 没有较小的两个罪恶的选择,因为你可以不用担心浪费您的投票标记你的真正的第一选择。
  • No spoilers , as votes for minor candidates move to each voter's more popular choices. 没有破坏者 ,轻微的候选人的票,每个选民的更受欢迎的选择。
IRV_4 ↓ IRV_4↓

Plurality Voting Patterns复数投票模式

In South Korea's 1987 presidential election, two progressives faced the aide to a military dictator.在韩国1987年总统大选中,两个进步所面临的一个军事独裁者的助手。 The progressives got a majority of the votes but split their supporters.进步了多数选票,但分裂他们的支持者。 So the conservative won under a plurality vote-counting rule.因此,保守赢得多个计票规则下。 These rules elect whoever gets the most votes; 50% is not required.这些规则选出谁得票最多,50%是不需要的。

The winner claimed a mandate to continue repressive policies.获胜者声称,其任务是继续镇压政策。 Years later he was convicted of treason in the tragic killing of pro-democracy demonstrators.几年后,他被裁定犯叛逆罪中惨遭杀害的亲民主示威。

With Instant Runoff Voting, ballots for the weaker progressive could have transferred to help elect the stronger one.随着即时径流投票,选票可能有较弱的逐步转移到帮助选出强之一。

The US also has seen major elections in which two candidates on the left split their voters or two on the right split theirs.美国也有重要的选举中,两名左分裂他们的选民或两个右翼候选人分裂他们。 Sometimes this increased our national tragedies.有时候,这增加了我们国家的悲剧。 (Can you name some of these split elections and their tragic results?) (你能说出这些分割的选举和他们的悲惨结果呢?)

IRV_5 ↓ IRV_5↓

Instant Runoff Voting Patterns即时径流投票模式

From five factions to one majority.从五个派别的一大部分。


1) Ms. Violet loses. 1)紫女士失去。 Her ballots go to each voter's next choice.她的选票到每一个选民的下一个选择。
2) Ms. Blonde loses. 2)金发女士失去。 Her ballots move.她的选票移动。
3) Ms. Green loses. 3)格林女士失去。
4) Ms. Carmine loses. 4)女士胭脂红损失。
IRV elects leaders in cities large and small: London, Melbourne, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Sydney and others. IRV选举领导人在大大小小的城市:伦敦,墨尔本,明尼阿波利斯,旧金山,悉尼和其他。 Students use it at Duke, Harvard, MIT, Rice, Stanford, Tufts, UCLA, Cal Tech, Carlton, Clark, Cornell, Dartmouth, Hendrix, Reed, Vassar, Whitman, William and Mary, The Universities of: Cal, Il, Md, Mn, Ok, Va, Wa, Wi, and more.学生使用,在杜克大学,哈佛大学,麻省理工学院,水稻,斯坦福大学,塔夫茨大学,加州大学洛杉矶分校,加州理工学院,卡尔顿,克拉克,康奈尔大学,达特茅斯大学,亨德里克斯,芦苇,瓦萨,惠特曼,威廉和玛丽,大学:加州,IL,MD ,锰,OK,佤族,佤,无线网络,等等。

In some places, people call this Rank Choice Voting, Preference Voting or the Alternative Vote.在一些地方,人们称这个排名选择投票,倾向投票或替代投票。

A picture in the transferable vote workshop illustrates individual ballots moving.在画面可转移票车间说明移动单个的选票。

IRV lets you vote for the candidate you really like. IRV让你你真的很喜欢的候选人投票。 And even if that option loses, your vote isn't wasted; it goes to your next choice. ,即使该选项失去,您的投票是不浪费,它关系到你的下一个选择。

Council ↓ 理事会↓

Council Elections议会选举

3 Single-Winner Elections 3单优胜者竞选

A class of 27 wants to elect a planning committee. A类27,要选出一个规划委员会。 Someone says, “Elect a rep from each seminar group.” The top group gives Kay 3 votes and Ray 6 votes .有人说,“从每个研讨会组选出的代表。”托普集团,凯3 和雷 6票。

But bluish majorities win in all 3 sections. 但蓝色的多数赢得了所有3个部分
And other voters get no voice on the committee. 其他选民委员会上没有发言权。

Proportional Representation比例代表制

A better suggestion says, “Keep the class whole.更好的建议说,“整个保持类。 Change the definition of victory from half of a small seminar to a quarter of the whole class, plus one.”改变,从一个小型研讨会的一半的全班的四分之一,再加上一个胜利的定义。“

Now bluish voters win 2 seats, a majority. 现在,蓝色选民,赢得2席,多数。
And other voters win the third seat. 其他选民赢得的第三个席位。

Full Rep_2 ↓ 全Rep_2↓

The principle of Proportional Representation is this:比例代表制的原则是这样的:

Majority rule,多数人统治,
with representation for political minorities,政治少数民族的代表,
in proportion to their votes.在他们的选票比例。

That is, 60% of the vote gets you 60% of the seats, not all of them.也就是说,60%的选票,获得60%的席位,并不是所有的。 And 10% of the vote gets you 10% of the seats, not none of them.和10%的选票,获得10%的席位,而不是没有。 These are fair shares .这是公平的股份。
    How does it work?它是如何工作的? There are three basic ingredients:有三个基本成分:
  • We elect more than one rep from each district.我们选出一个以上的代表,每区。
  • You vote for more than one; you vote for a list.超过一投你一票,投你一票的列表。
    Parties offer their lists to us, or we each list our favorites.缔约方将他们的名单提供给我们,或我们每个列表我们的最爱。
  • The more votes a list gets, the more reps it elects.列表中得到更多的选票,它选出的代表更。
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Some Benefits of Proportional Representation:比例代表制的一些好处:

  • It gives each major group a fair share of reps. 它给每个主要团体的代表公平的份额。
    So it often elects more political minorities.因此,它往往选择更多的政治上的少数群体。
    And up to three times more women are elected .高达三倍, 越来越多的妇女当选。
  • They tend to help policies match public opinion, 他们往往以帮助政策相匹配的舆论,
    and often raise the quality of health and education . 并经常提高健康和教育的质量。
  • It gives voters real choices , boosting voter turnout .它使选民真正的选择 ,提高选民投票率
  • It creates more competitive districts and 它创建更有竞争力的地区
    effective votes ”.有效票 “。
  • A council of 3 must earn many more votes (¾ versus ½); 3委员会,必须获得更多的选票(¾对半);
    so PR can strengthen a council's mandate .因此,公关可以加强安理会任务。
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Fair Shares and Moderates公平的股份和温和派

Chicago now elects no Republicans to the State Congress, even though they win up to a third of its votes. 芝加哥现在的选择没有国家国会的共和党人,尽管他们有机会赢取其选票的三分之一。 But for over a century Chicago elected reps from both parties.但一个多世纪以来芝加哥当选为双方的代表。 The state used a fair rule to elect three reps in each district.国家用一个公平的规则,在每区选出三名代表。 Most districts gave the majority party two reps and the minority party one.多数地区给了两个代表多数党和少数党。

Those Chicago Republicans were usually moderates.这些通常芝加哥共和党温和派。 So were Democratic reps from Republican strongholds.所以民主党代表共和党的据点。 Even the biggest party in a district tended to elect reps who were more independent.即使在一个地区最大的党,往往更加独立的选举代表。 They could work together and make state policies more moderate.他们可以协同工作,使国家政策更加温和。

(The transferable vote workshop shows one way to get PR.)可转移票车间得到公关的一种方式。 )

New Zealand switched in 1996 from Single-Winner Districts to a blend of SWD and Proportional Representation. 新西兰社署和比例代表制的混合单优胜者区于1996年。 A one-winner district exaggerates local issues and alliances.一个优胜者区夸大当地问题和联盟。 Proportional Representation frees voters from district enclosures; so they can elect a rep with a thin but widespread appeal.比例代表制释放区罩的选民,所以他们可以选出一个代表,一个瘦,但广泛的吸引力。

The number of women elected rose from 21 to 35.当选的妇女人数从21上升至35。 The number of native Maoris elected rose from 6 to 15, which is almost proportional to the Maori population.本土毛利人的当选人数升至6日至15日,这是毛利人的人口几乎成正比。 Voters also elected 3 Polynesian reps and 1 Asian rep.选民还选出了3波利尼西亚代表和1名亚洲代表。

Many people call this Full Representation or Proportional Voting.很多人称呼这种充分的代表性或比例投票。

Related reforms ↓ 相关改革↓

Related Election Reforms有关选举改革

A news firm might inform us better if it is ruled, not by its owner and advertisers, but by its voting subscribers. 新闻公司可能告知我们更好,如果它被排除,而不是由它的所有者和广告,但其表决权的用户。 (McChesney and Nichols propose a $200 “news voucher” to help each citizen fund their choice of ad-free news publisher.) (麦克切斯尼和Nichols提出200美元的“新闻券”,以帮助每一个公民,资助他们的广告自由的新闻出版选择。)

Public campaign funding , as in Maine and Arizona, lets reps spend less time with rich sponsors and more with voters. 公共竞选资金 ,在缅因州和亚利桑那州,让代表花更少的时间与丰富的赞助商和更多的选民。 (The Ackerman-Ayres plan gives each voter $50 of vouchers to donate. Anonymous giving means no political payback.) (阿克曼艾尔斯计划给每个选民的50元券捐赠。匿名给意味着没有政治的回报。)

Ballot access laws make it hard for minor parties to get nominees on the ballot. 选票获取的法律,使小党获得选票上提名。 The two big parties make those laws largely because they fear spoiler candidates.的两个大党,使这些法律在很大程度上,因为他们担心扰流候选人。 Better voting rules put that fear to rest.更好的投票规则把恐惧休息。

Optical-scan ballots , post-election audits and open-source software check fraud by election workers and corporations. 光学扫描选票选举后的选举工作人员和企业的审计和开放源码软件的支票欺诈案。

Sabbatical terms make the current rep run against a former rep returning from sabbatical. 休假的条件使代表对前从休假返回代表当前运行。 Voters get a real choice between two winners.选民之间的两位获奖者得到真正的选择。 Each has a record of what they did in office.每个人都有他们在办公室的记录。 Plurality would tend to make the current and former reps both lose due to a party split.复数往往使现任和前任的代表,都因失去一个党分裂。 But better voting rules heal party splits.但更好的投票规则愈合党分裂。 A sabbatical might pay the rep to work with others from all parties on a service project, a bus tour and a rural retreat.休假可能支付的与他人合作,从服务项目,观光巴士和农村撤退各方的代表。

Initiative voters get more choices and power with full-choice ballots and better tallies. 倡议选民得到更多的选择与选 ​​择的选票和更好地符合和电源。 They should set the political rules and ratify some laws such as pay for reps.他们应该设定的政治规则,并批准一些法律,如为代表的薪酬。 But minority rights to ballots, reps and funds need constitutional protection from the majority of the day.但少数人权利的选票,代表和基金的宪法保护需要从大多数的一天。

Spending ↓ 消费↓

Funding Choices资金的选择

Fair Shares to Buy Public Goods 公平股份购买公共物品

Electing reps is the most obvious use of voting rules.代表选举投票规则中最明显的用途。
Rules to set policies and budgets are just as important.设置的政策和预算规则也同样重要。
In fact, they get used more often than election rules.事实上,他们习惯往往比选举规则。
They might be the only votes in a direct democracy.他们可能是唯一一个直接民主票。

Proportional Representation distributes the council比例代表制分配理事会
seats fairly .座椅相当

In the same way, Fair-share Spending allocates money fairly.以同样的方式,公平份额消费公平分配钱。 It is the next logical step.这是一个合乎逻辑的步骤。

Democratic rights fulfilled through history:通过历史履行民主权利
全部精华 Voting for rich men, poor men, “colored” men, women.富人,穷人的男子,“有色”的男人,妇女投票。
全部精华 Proportional Representation for large political minorities.大的政治少数民族的比例代表制。
项目 Fair-share spending by big groups of voters or reps.公平份额的支出,由选民或代表的大集团。


$ 美元 $ 美元 $ 美元 $ 美元 LAWS 法律 $ 美元 $ 美元 $ 美元 $美元

Fair shares give minority voters some power.公平共享,给一些少数族裔选民权力。

Spending_2 ↓ Spending_2↓

A Pattern of Unfair Spending不正当开支模式

Membership groups often shirk competitive elections to avoid conflicts and hurt feelings. 会员团体经常推卸的竞争性选举,以避免冲突和感情伤害。 But members still compete over money to fund projects.但委员仍对货币竞争基金项目。

Often, some members use tricks to capture a lot of the budget.通常情况下,一些成员使用的技巧捕捉到了很多的预算。 When that injustice is felt, others may grow rebellious, or leave.感到不公时,别人可能会增长的逆反心理,或离开。

They want a rule that makes spending fair.他们想要的支出公平的规则,使。


Many empty hands许多两手空空 Fair Shares公平共享

Spending_3 ↓ Spending_3↓

Old Budget Patterns旧预算模式

Lack of Transparency and Accountability 缺乏透明度和问责制

The old way to set budgets blurs responsibility.旧的方式设置预算模糊的责任。 Take deficit spending: Progressives may say too much is spent on big weapons and corporate subsidies; conservatives often blame the money spent on health, education and the environment.以赤字开支:进步可以说太多花大武器和企业补贴;保守派常常责怪卫生,教育和环境上花的钱。 Every rep can claim, “I didn't spend too much.”每个代表都可以说,“我没有花太多。”

Protecting the environment is popular with both conservative and progressive voters.保护环境是流行与保守和进步的选民。 Reps don't dare attack it openly. REPS不敢公开攻击它。 So, to pay off some campaign gifts from corporate sponsors, reps slyly starve agencies that enforce environmental laws.因此,为了还清一些企业赞助运动礼品,代表狡猾饿死 ,执行环保法律的机构。 Budget cuts have also starved OSHA and the auditors of corporate tax returns.预算削减也饿死OSHA和企业纳税申报的核数师。

Old Roller-Coaster Budgets 旧过山车预算

“Lower but constant funding is more productive than a roller-coaster budget that might average far more.” Alvin Trivelpiece, director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory较低,但不断的资金超过一个过山车预算可能平均得多的生产力。“阿尔文Trivelpiece,橡树岭国家实验室主任,

The Texas Super-Conducting Super Collider was a multi-billion dollar project in the 1980s.德州超导超级对撞机是在20世纪80年代的数十亿美元的项目。 This effort to build the world's largest cyclotron was supported by a majority in Congress for a few years...这几年在国会的多数支持,努力建立世界上最大的回旋加速器... then dropped.然后下降。 The only thing built was a “billion-dollar hole in the ground.”唯一内置了“数十亿美元的孔在地面上。”

Members might be more cautious about starting vast projects if they could not spend the opposition's share of the budget.成员可能会开始浩大的工程,如果他们不能花反对派的预算份额更加谨慎。 And they should have the power to finish their projects with their own share.他们应该有权力来完成他们的项目与自己的份额。

Spending_4 ↓ Spending_4↓

Local Control of Central Funds中央资金的本地控制

The US Congress lets a single rep “earmark” funds for pet projects in her district. 美国国会允许一个单一的 REP“预留”她区的宠物项目的资金。 In 1994, the 4,000 earmarks cost us $23 billion. 1994年,4000专项拨款230亿美元的成本。 Ten years later, the 14,000 earmarks cost us $45 billion.十年后,14000专项拨款450亿美元的成本。

Earmarks help some reps give much more money to their districts than most reps do.专项拨款帮助一些代表所属地区给予更多的钱比大多数代表。 Each rep votes yes or no to a huge “omnibus” bill.每个代表票“是”或“否”一个巨大的“综合性”法案。 It holds hundreds of earmarks, some good, some bad.它拥有的专项拨款数百,一些好的,一些不好的的。 This voting system makes it hard to prove which reps are wasting money.这个投票系统,使得它很难证明是浪费金钱的代表。

At their best, earmarks let a rep use federal money to fund vital local projects that only locals see the need and chance to do.在最佳状态,专项拨款,让代表使用联邦资金来至关重要,只有当地人看到的需要和机会的地方项目。 But there are better, more responsive and democratic ways to select projects.但也有更好,更灵敏和更民主的方式来选择项目。

Participatory Budgeting lets neighborhood assemblies spend part of a city's budget. 参与式预算让邻里集会花一个城市的财政预算案的一部分。 It has spread from one city in 1989 to hundreds of cities in Latin America.从一个城市在1989年它已蔓延到拉丁美洲的数百个城市。 But they use the old plurality voting rules.但他们使用旧的多个投票规则。

Last year, 2010, saw the first use of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in a major US city.去年,2010年,看到了在美国主要城市的第一次使用参与式预算(PB)。 Chicago Alderman Joe Moore gave his “Menu Money” to the process.芝加哥市议员乔穆尔给他的“菜单货币”的过程。

The World Bank reports that PB tends to improve a city's health and education, but that “young people” and “...the 'very poor' are left out of the process.” They too need a voting rule that makes spending fair.世界银行的报告,PB趋于完善城市的卫生和教育,但是,“年轻人”和“... ...”非常差“的过程。”他们太需要一个投票的规则,使消费公平。

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Fair-share Spending Works This Way公平份额消费,这种方式工作

In a citywide vote, each neighborhood or interest group funds a few school, park or road improvements.在全市范围内投票,每个居委会或利益集团资金的几个学校,公园或道路的改善。 The city's taxes then pay for the projects as the School, Park, and Road Departments manage the contracts.城市的税,然后支付作为学校,公园,公路部门管理的合同项目。

Every neighborhood and interest group controls its share of spending power; no one is shut out.每个居委会和利益集团控制其消费能力中所占的份额;没有人拒之门外。 This makes (hidden) empires less profitable.这使得(隐藏)帝国的利润减少。


Each proposal needs support from a substantial group.每个建议都需要从大量组的支持。

If a plurality spends all the money, the last thing they buy adds little to their happiness . 如果多个花所有的钱,他们买的最后一件事情增加了一点自己幸福 It is a low priority. 这是一个低优先级。 But that money could buy the high-priority favorite of a large minority; making them happier. 但这些钱可以买一个大的少数民族高优先级的最爱,使他们快乐

In economic terms : The “social utility” of the money and goods tends to increase if we each allocate a share. 在经济方面 :“社会效用”的钱物,往往会增加,如果我们每个人分配一个共享。 Shares spread out opportunities and incentives too.共享进行传播的机会和激励。

In political terms : Fair shares earn wide respect, as we each help big minorities to fund some projects. 在政治方面 :公平份额赢得广泛的尊重,因为我们每个帮助大的少数群体的一些项目提供资金。 So our budget appeals to more people.因此,我们的预算呼吁更多的人。

Spending_6 ↓ Spending_6↓

The principle of Fair-share Spending is this:公平份额消费的原理是这样的:

Spending power for all,为所有的消费能力,
in proportion to their votes.在他们的选票比例。

That is, 60% of the voters spend 60% of the money, not all of it. A project still needs grants from many voters to prove it is a public good worth public money. So we let a voter fund only a fraction of a project.也就是说,60%的选民花60%的钱,不是所有的项目仍然需要许多选民的赠款,以证明它是一项公益事业值得公帑 ,所以我们让选民只基金的一小部分项目。

How does it work?它是如何工作的? Like IRV: You rank your choices.像IRV:您的排名您的选择。

Then your money moves to help all the favorites you can afford.然后你的钱将帮助所有你能负担得起的最爱。 And a tally of all ballots drops the least-funded project.所有选票相符下降至少资助的项目。
This repeats until all projects still in the race are fully funded.这种重复,直到所有的项目仍然在比赛中充分的资金。

(The movable vote workshop makes this process easy to grasp.)动产投票车间 ,使这一过程容易掌握。 )

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Merits of Fair-shares for Picking Projects博览会股值得采摘项目

  • After discussion, one poll quickly sets many budgets.经过讨论,一次次民意调查迅速 ​​设置许多预算。
    It reduces agenda effects such as leaving naught for它减少了议程 ,如离开化为乌有为影响
    the last items or going into debt for them.最后一个项目或陷入债务。
    It splits the free-rider or poison-pill items from others.它分裂从别人搭便车或毒丸项目。
  • It lets sub-groups fund projects; it's like federalism ,它可以让子组基金项目;它像联邦制
    but without new layers of taxes and bureaucracy.但没有税收和官僚主义的新层。
    It funds big groups, whether spread out or local.它的资金大集团,无论摊开还是本地。
  • Fair shares do not hand minorities too much power .公平份额不手少数民族的权力太大。
    A majority spends most of any fair-share fund.大多数受访者花费任何公平份额的基金最。
    It can be small and just cover optional projects.它可以是小,刚好盖住可选项目。
  • Majorities enact the policies that direct the programs.多数人制定的政策,直接的方案。
    They may end any program before the voting starts.投票开始前,他们可能结束的任何程序。
  • It smoothes roller-coaster budgets that hurt efficiency .它平滑过山车预算伤害效率
    It stops starvation budgets designed to cause failure.它停止饥饿预算,导致失败。
  • A member can waste only her share of the fund.一个成员可以只基金浪费她的份额。
    Voters can see a rep's grants to each project, tax选民可以看到一个代表的赠款,以每个项目,税收
    cut or debt reduction and hold her accountable.削减或债务减少和保持她负责。
    There are no vague or hidden votes.没有任何模糊或隐藏的票。
  • Fair-share voting builds trust in group spending,公平份额投票的,建立在集团开支的信任,
    and may raise support for more of it.并可能会引发更多的支持。
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Notes on Fair-Share Spending公平份额消费的注意事项

  • It selects winners on the open market.它选择在公开市场上的赢家。 So it keeps strong incentives for inventors and investors to raise efficiency.因而保留着它的发明者和投资者的强烈的刺激,提高效率。
  • It aids economic co-operation in ad-hoc groups.艾滋病在工作组的经济合作。 So it may reduce extremes of both individual and centralized spending.因此,它可能减少极端的个人和集中的支出。
  • It gives some power to reps in the opposition party(s).在反对党(S),它提供了一些权力代表。
    So the votes that elect them no longer feel like wasted votes .所以票,选举他们不再觉得自己浪费票
    This can boost the incentive to vote and the turnout of voters .这可以提高激励投票 的选民的投票率。
  • All FS ballots help fund favorite winners; so all seem effective . 所有的FS选票帮助基金最喜爱的获奖者,似乎都有效
    (Tho' deleting a ballot does not always change the winners.) (芹苴“删除投票并不总是改变的赢家。)
    Yet no one can slow or stop the budget process.然而,没有人可以减慢或停止的预算过程。

Twin Oaks Community in Virginia has experimented with Participatory Budgeting methods for over 30 years.在弗吉尼亚州的双橡园社区已超过30年的参与式预算编制方法进行实验。 In 2009 they used Dr. Robert Tupelo-Schneck's new software to tally Movable Money Votes. 2009年,他们使用了罗伯特博士图珀洛 - 施内克的理货移动货币投票的新软件。

Spending_9 ↓ Spending_9↓

Adjusting the Ongoing Budgets调整正在进行的预算

Fair shares can set the budgets of departments too. 公平共享 ,可以设置部门的预算。
Every “ line item ” starts with most of its past budget.每一个“ 行项目 ”开始,大部分过去的预算。
You may write-in and rank higher budgets for the items.你可以写在排名较高的项目预算。
Your ballot can afford to pay your fair shares for your您的选票能够支付您公平股份
top choices.最佳选择。 This is how it gives them votes.这是如何让他们投票。

Each budget level of an item is like a project :每一个项目的预算水平, 就像是一个项目:
To win, it needs to get a set number of votes, the quota.为了获得成功,它需要得到的票数的设置数量,配额。
It gets one vote from each ballot currently paying a full share of the它从一票每张选票,目前支付的全部份额
item's cost up to that level or higher. cost / quota = 1 share = 1 vote项目的成本,该级别或更高 的成本/ 配额 。= 1股= 1

One at a time, the weak ones lose and the money moves.一次一个弱者失去的钱动作。
The item that gets the fewest votes for its current top level, loses that level.获取其目前的顶级的得票最少的项目,失去了这一水平。
Any money you gave it flows to your highest rank that lacks your vote.你给它的任何金钱流入你的最高级别的,没有你们的投票。
This repeats until each item has a top level that wins the quota of votes.这种重复,直到每个项目的顶级水平,赢得了票配额。
Now all the items are fully paid for by their voters.现在所有的项目都缴足选民。

If an item gets more than enough money, the excess goes back to the donors.如果一个项目得到足够多的钱,多余的可以追溯到捐助者。 This is like Single Transferable Vote.这是想转移单票制。
The workshop shows how to give a favorite 2 shares and lower choices less than 1 share.讲习班展示了如何给一个最喜欢的2股和较低的选择小于1股。

Spending_10 ↓ Spending_10↓

The Principle in Budget Refill Voting was:在财政预算案笔芯投票的原则是:
Majority rule,多数人统治,
within a balance of forces.在力量平衡。

So if we all agree, we can change budgets radically.因此,如果我们都同意,我们可以从根本上改变预算。
But if many disagree, they can moderate the changes.但是,如果许多不同意,他们可以适度的变化。
Yet a minority cannot slow the budget process.然而,少数人可以不慢的预算过程。

Each agency starts with [80]% of its current budget.*每个机构开始[80]其目前的预算%.*
A rep may refill only a limited share of each budget.一个代表可能笔芯只有每个预算有限的份额
So it takes many reps to refill one, and more to raise it.因此,它需要许多代表笔芯之一,多提高。
You repeatedly adjust your grants , causing and countering budget changes, until a timer stops the voting. 您反复调整您的补助金,造成和打击预算的变化 ,直到计时器停止投票。

A minority can moderate a budget's change.少数人可以适度的财政预算案的变化。
But a majority can make it rise or fall.多数可以把它上升或下降。

* To vote less than about [80]% to basic services, such as *为了投票少于%有关[80]等基本服务,
the police or public health, would be “stealing a free ride.”警方或公众健康,将“偷搭顺风车。”

BRV lets a majority reduce their grants to agency X. This undercuts a minority's grants to X. So, to maintain the total for X, the minority must give it bigger grants. BRV让多数减少赠款机构十,这削弱了少数人的补助金,以十,因此,要保持X总,少数必须给它更大的补助金。 Then the majority reduces theirs again, and this cycle repeats.然后多数减少他们再次重复这个周期。 With BRV, nobody apportions the budget as they sincerely want it.随着BRV,没有人摊派预算,因为他们真诚地希望。 In contrast, the fair-share rule above gives all large groups positive power to fund their favorites.相比之下,公平分享的规则,让所有的大集团积极力量,以资助他们的最爱。

Policy ↓ 政策↓


Pairwise Test Number Two 成对测试二

The nine-voter Runoff shown above was a one-against-one or “Pairwise” contest between candidates M and K. Five voters preferred M over K.如上图所示的九选民 径流是一个对一个或候选M和K。五选民优于光中号之间的“配对“比赛

Here is a second Pairwise test with the same voters.这里是第二个具有相同的选民pairwise测试。

Candidate K loses this one-against-one test.候选k失去这一个打击一个测试。
Candidate L wins by five votes to four.候选大号胜5票对4。

(Each person votes once with a full-choice ballot . There are several ballot styles .) (每个人一个充分选择的选票投票一次几个投票方式。)


K is nearest four voters. K是最近四个选民。 L is nearest five voters. L是最近的五个选民。

Policy_2 ↓ Policy_2↓

Pairwise Test Number Three pairwise测试三

Candidate L wins her next one-on-one test also.候选大号也赢得她的下一个一个测试。 She has won majorities against each of her rivals, so she is the one candidate who best represents all the voters.她赢得了多数人对她的每一个对手,所以她是一名候选人,谁最能代表所有选民。 She is the Pairwise winner.她是成对的赢家。 Could another person top candidate L? Yes, No. 另一人顶候选人,L?
Hint: Is anyone closer to the political center? Yes, No.提示:任何人都更接近政治中心 是,
Who is the Pairwise winner on page 9? K, L, M. 第9页上的 成对的赢家是谁 K,L,M。

Thus Pairwise picks a central chairperson or policy.因此,成对挑选一位中央主席或政策。
Is it likely to elect diverse reps? Yes, No. 它是可能选出不同的 代表


L is nearest 6 voters; M is nearest 3. L是最近的6选民; M是最近的3。

Policy_3 ↓ Policy_3↓

The goal of the Pairwise Tally is this:成对理货的目标是这样的:

Majority victories多数的胜利
over every single rival.每一个对手。

The winner must top every rival, one-against-one . 获奖者必须顶部每一个对手,一个反对

Option J tops option D if most voters rank J above D. Each ballot's rank of J relative to D concerns us.选项​​J上衣选项D,如果大多数选民排名每张选票的上述四J J相剐关注我们的排名。
The numbers of first-rank votes do not.排名第一,票号不。

If another rule picks a different winner our “round-robin tournament,” or Condorcet winner ranks higher on most ballots.如果另一个规则选择不同的赢家“循环赛的比赛,”或孔多塞赢家行列大多数选票。 So it wins a one-against-one majority over that other rule's winner.因此,赢得一个反对一个比大多数其他规则的赢家。

The sports analogy is a “round-robin tournament.” A player has one contest against each rival.体育比喻是一个“循环赛的比赛。”一个球员有一个对每个对手的较量。 If she wins all of her tests, then she wins the tournament.如果她赢得了她所有的测试,然后她赢得了比赛。

Each voting test sorts all of of the ballots into two piles.每个投票所有的选票分为两桩测试排序。 If you rank option J higher than D then your ballot goes in the pile for J. The option with the most ballots wins that test.如果您的排名比D较高的选项J,那么你的选票去选项与大多数的选票获胜,试验研究桩。 If an option wins all of its tests, then it wins the election.*如果一个选项赢得其所有的测试,那么它赢得选举*

*If three or more lose to each other, then IRV can elect one of them. *如果三个或更多输给对方,然后IRV可以选择其中之一。

Policy_4 ↓ Policy_4↓

Pairwise Tallies Quickly Pick Balanced Policies配对相符迅速回暖平衡的政策

  • Full-choice ballots rank related motions all at once.一次选择的选票排名议案。
    They simplify the rules of order and speed up voting.他们简化秩序的规则和加快投票。
    They cut down agenda affects including poison-pill他们削减议程的影响,包括毒丸
    or free-rider amendments.或搭便车的修订。
  • Balanced policies avoid erratic or excessive changes. 平衡的政策,避免不稳定或过多的变化。
    That saves money and builds respect for government.这可以节省资金,并建立对政府的尊重。
    It reduces the game-of-chance and fear in politics.它减少了比赛的机会,在政治上的恐惧。
    And it reduces the payoff from big campaign gifts.它减少了从大的运动礼品的回报。
  • Pairwise can elect a fairly neutral judge or administrator.成对可以选出一个相当中立的法官或管理员。
    It can elect moderators to cast the swing votes on a它可以选择的主持人投上的摇摆票
    centrally-balanced “ ensemble council.中央平衡“ 合奏会 。 “

(More merits of the Pairwise or “Condorcet” rule...) (多于弊的成对或“孔多塞”的规则... ... )

Policy_5 ↓ Policy_5↓

Pairwise Popularity and Balance成对的人气和平衡

A policy needs good marks from voters on all sides.一个政策需要来自各方的选民的好成绩。 That is because every rep can rank it compared to other policies.这是因为每个代表都可以排名,相比其他政策。 So all voters are “obtainable” and valuable.因此,所有的选民是“索取”和有价值的。 This leads to policies with wide appeal.这导致了广泛的吸引力的政策。 (A plurality or runoff winner gets no help from the losing side and doesn't need to please those voters.) (多个或径流获得者得到由败诉方没有任何帮助,也不需要讨好选民。) The Pairwise winner is central and popular: Most centrist and progressive voters like it more than any conservative policy.成对的赢家是中央和流行:大多数中间派进步选民喜欢它比任何保守的政策。 At the same time, most centrist and conservative voters like it more than any progressive policy.与此同时,大多数中间派保守派选民喜欢它超过任何进步的政策。 All sides can join to beat narrowly-centrist policies.各方都可以加入击败狭义中间派的政策。

Everyone helps choose our center.每个人都可以选择我们的中心。

Policy_6 ↓ Policy_6↓

A Moderator's Balanced Support一个主持人的平衡支持

Most progressive voters rank Kennedy [Livingstone, Lafontaine] above Clinton [Blair, Schröder] .最先进的选民排名肯尼迪[利文斯通,拉封丹]以上克林顿[布莱尔,施罗德]。 So to win a majority over Kennedy , Clinton must outrank him on ballots from centrists and conservatives. She cannot hope to be the first choice for conservative voters; still, she must seek their favor.所以赢得了多数超过肯尼迪克林顿必须地位高于他从中间派 保守派的选 ​​票,她不希望保守派选民第一选择;,她仍必须寻求他们的青睐。

Conservative voters rank Bush [Major, Kohl] higher than Clinton .保守选民的排名布什[主要 ] 克林顿,科尔更高。 So to win a majority over Bush , Clinton must appeal to centrists and progressives .因此,赢得了广大超过布什克林顿必须呼吁 中间派进步。

Every candidate needs the centrist voters, of course.每个候选人需要中间派选民,当然。 But every candidate needs the progressives and conservatives too.但每个候选人都需要进步保守派。 When compared with Kennedy , Clinton needs those conservative voters. 克林顿肯尼迪相比,需要那些保守的选民。 And when compared with Bush , Clinton needs the progressives .布什相比, 克林顿需要进步

In this Pairwise election of a moderator, a less controversial candidate might top each of these polarizing politicians.在这个主持人的成对选举中,争议较少的候选人可能顶端这些偏光政治家。

(A later page shows an interactive Pairwise tally table .) (后来页显示了一个互动的成对理货表) 。

Rigged_Votes_1 ↓ Rigged_Votes_1↓

Gerrymander Gerrymander

Candidate M lost the last election by plurality rule.候选人M失去了最后的选举由复数规则。 Now let's say her party gerrymanders the borders of her election district.现在,让我们说,她的党gerrymanders她的选区边界。 They add neighbors ( purple below) who tend to vote for her party; and exclude less favorable voters (the yellow voter missing on the left).他们补充倾向于投票支持她的党的邻居紫色低于)和排除较有利的选民(黄色的选民在左边失踪)。 So now her party is certain to win the new district.所以,现在她的党一定会赢得新的区。 Reps will tend to come from the party's activist wing.销售代表往往会来自于党的活动家翼。

The old plurality rule is the easiest to manipulate.老复数规则是最容易操纵的的。 But the Pairwise winner, L, doesn't change in this case.但成对的赢家,L在这种情况下,不改变。 And Proportional Representation also resists gerrymanders.和比例代表也抗拒gerrymanders。


Now K has 3 votes.现在,K有3票。 L has two. L有两个。 And M has four.和M有四个。

Rigged_Votes_2 ↓ Rigged_Votes_2↓


Bribes, big campaign gifts , and jobs for friends can make some reps switch sides on a policy. 贿赂,大运动礼品和朋友的工作,可以使一些代表开关双方的政策。 Pairwise resists corruption well, as bribing a few reps moves the council's middle, and the winning policy, only a little. 成对以及抗拒贪污,贿赂几个代表理事会的中间移动,并获奖的政策,只有一点点

“Poison-pill amendments” are designed to make some reps change sides and oppose a bill they had supported.设计的“毒丸修订”,使一些代表换边和反对,他们支持法案。 Pairwise lets reps rank the original bill, no bill, and the (poison) amended bill.成对让代表排名原来的条例草案,任何法案,(毒)修订条例草案。 They may shun the pill.他们可能顺丸。

Fair shares of seats and spending reduce the payoffs to those who bribe the biggest party.公平份额的座椅和消费减少,回报那些行贿最大的党。 It can no longer seize more than its share of reps or money.它再也不能抓住超过其代表或金钱的份额。

Why Vote ↓ 为什么要投票


Why Vote为什么投票

Meetings often make interlocking decisions one at a time.会议往往一次一个环环相扣的决定。 They use a yes-no process, with or without explicit rules of order, agendas, and votes.他们使用答:是的,没有过程的,有或没有明确的规则,规程,议程及表决。 Items decided early can shut out later options.项目决定早期可以拒之门外以后的选项。

Or people may talk about all options at once but never clearly tell (vote) their second and third choices.或谈论所有选项的人可能一次,但从来没有明确地告诉(表决)的第二次和第三次的选择。 So a minority pushing a single idea can appear to be the strongest group.因此,少数人推着一个想法似乎是最强的一组。 And one person with a balanced idea but no eager supporters might drop it.一个人以一种平衡的想法,但没有急于支持者可能回落。

The best rules avoid all those problems by ranking the competing motions (or budgets) on the same ballot. 最好的规则,避免相同的选票上的排名竞争的议案(或预算)的所有这些问题。

Groups with little time and many issues or conflicting interests, often end debates with votes, not consensus.很少有时间和许多问题或冲突的利益团体,最后往往带票,没有共识的辩论。 Their methods of discussion and voting each effect the quality of their decision and the group's morale.讨论并参加表决的每一个影响他们的决定和本集团的士气的质量的方法。

Voting can be anonymous to protect dissidents .投票可以是匿名的保护持不同政见者 It provides equality for busy or unassertive people.提供了繁忙或自信的人平等。 Pondering a ballot or survey educates members about setting budgets and priorities.琢磨投票或调查,教育成员设置预算和优先事项。

A straw poll can find the major opinion groups and focus a discussion on the strongest idea from each group or on the most central options.一个民意测验可以找到主要的舆论团体,集中了从各组中最强的想法或最核心的选项的讨论。

Some issues allow decisions that are not adversarial or consensual: Multi-winner funding gives fair shares of power.有些问题让不是对抗性的,或双方同意的决定:多优胜者资金提供公平的权力股。 Yet it doesn't let anyone dictate or block action.然而,它不会让任何人支配或阻止行动。

Steering Analogy ↓ 督导打个比方↓

Steering Analogy督导类比

When choosing a voting rule, a new Mercedes costs little more than an old jalopy.当选择一个投票的规则,一个新的奔驰成本比老jalopy。 That price is a bargain when the votes steer important budgets or policies.价格是便宜的票时避开重要的财政预算案或政策。

Does your car have an 1890 steering tiller or a new , power steering wheel?请问你的车有1890转向舵柄或一个新的 ,动力方向盘? Does your organization have an 1890 voting rule or a new, centered and balanced rule?您的组织是否有一个1890年投票的规则或一个新的中心和平衡的规则?

Today's drivers need the skill to use power steering —今天的司机需要的技能使用动力转向-
but they don't need the math or logic to engineer it.但他们并不需要工程师的数学或逻辑。 Same with voters and voting rules.选民和投票的规则相同。

A group may test drive a new rule in a survey. A组试驾的一项调查显示,在新规则。
Or they may form a “committee of the whole” to vote, tally and report a result to enact by the old yes-or-no rule.或者,他们可能会形成一个“全体委员会”进行表决,理货,并报告结果由旧的肯定或无规则的制定。


梅赛德斯 - 奔驰Telligent巷Assistent

Which is more stable and quick?哪一个更稳定和快速的呢?

Tools Between People ↓ 人与人之间的工具

民主 Tools Between People人与人之间的工具 民主

Voting rules affect our laws — and our views on life.投票的规则会影响我们的法律 - 对生活的看法。
By making us practice either winner-take-all or sharing,通过使我们的做法,无论是赢家通​​吃全部或共享,
rules change the way we treat each other and see the world.规则的改变我们对待彼此的方式看世界。

Thus better voting rules can shift our expectations of voting and government.从而更好的投票规则可以改变我们的投票和政府的期望。 They can move from tools that inflame culture wars toward tools supporting diversity and its freedom.他们可以从向支持多样性和它的自由的工具文化,煽动战争的工具。

Happiness is strongly linked to good relationships.良好的关系是密切相关的幸福 So a good way to increase happiness is to improve tools between people such as group-decision tools.因此,增加幸福的一个好办法是提高作为集团的决策工具等人与人之间的工具。

Exit? 退出?

Exit or Power退出或电源

In the end, a group decision cannot fully satisfy two people with opposing values about the issue.最后,集团决定不能完全满足两个人反对有关价值观的问题。 Migrating or “voting with your feet” is the surest way to get to the policies you want.迁移或“你的脚投票”是最可靠的方法来得到你想要的政策。 That is practical when you have the (economic) freedom to move and diverse groups to choose among.当你的(经济)自由移动和不同群体之间进行选择,这是可行的的。

Real diversity is more likely when culture and technology give groups economic independence through local “self-reliance.”真正的多样性是更有可能的文化和技术组通过当地的经济独立“自力更生”。

When you can't move to a better city, state or country, avoid willful authoritarians; build democratic institutions with open-minded egalitarians.当你不能移动到一个更美好的城市,州或国家,避免故意的独裁;建立开明的平等主义的民主体制。

Democracy improves in eras such as The Enlightenment.民主改善,如启蒙时代。
Many people restrained blind faith, obedience and ideology.很多人抑制盲目的信仰,服从和意识形态。
They expanded our knowledge of the world through rational,他们扩大了我们对世界的认识,通过合理
skeptical and empirical thinking.怀疑和实证的思维。

(There's more on the democratic philosophy page.) (上有更多的民主理念页。 )

Conclusions ↓ 结论↓



Many people are excited to learn that voting很多人很高兴地得知,投票
does not have to mean “winner take all.”并不意味着“赢家采取一切。”

The best voting rules are fast, easy and fair.最好的投票规则,快速,便捷,公平的。
They strengthen voters' ballots and thus winners' mandates .他们加强 ​​选民的选票,从而赢家的任务
That means they organize voters and lift the proven support for :这意味着他们组织选民和解除的证明支持
中心 a Chairperson from a plurality to a majority;一名主席从多个多数;
全部精华 a Council from a plurality to over three quarters;一个从一个多元化的四分之三以上;
财政预算案 a Budget from a few power blocs to all members;从几国集团所有成员的财政预算案 ;
中心 a Policy from a one-sided to an over-all majority.一个政策从片面到过所有的大部分。

This page shows that different voting tasks此页显示不同的投票任务
need different kinds of voting rules.需要各种不同的投票规则。

Politics is more principled and政治原则
governance more legitimate with治理更合法
fair shares for seats and money, and 公平股席位和金钱,并
true majorities for executives and policies. 真正的多数高层管理人员和政策。

Reform! 改革!

Voting Reforms Open Doors投票的改革开放之门

These reforms open doors for popular changes. eg Data shows Proportional Representation elects more women than plurality.这些改革敞开大门,为流行的变化,数据显示比例代表制选举更多的妇女比多个。 And this change leads to better health and education.而且这种变化会导致更好的健康和教育。

The data make it clear: advocates for education, health care, a clean environment and a clean government should all work for better voting rules. Donors should too.数据清楚: 提倡教育,保健,清洁的环 ​​境和廉洁的政府,都应该更好的投票规则的捐助者。

If we are overwhelmed by urgent needs, we neglect the essentials, the structural roots of these problems.如果我们不堪重负,迫切需要我们忽视的要领,这些问题的结构性根源。 We get bad public policies, due to bad representation, due to bad election laws.我们得到坏的公共政策,由于恶劣的代表性,由于恶劣的选举法例。

Issue campaigns lobby reps every week for years. 问题的运动,游说代表每周多年。
This eases one problem, but rarely fixes the source.这简化了一个问题,但很少修复源。

Election campaigns cost a lot all at once. 竞选花费了很多一次。 If you win control, you can help all issues for two years.如果你赢了控制,可以帮助两年的所有问题。

Reform campaigns cost no more than elections. 改革运动成本不超过选举。
A win affects the whole council for many years.一个双赢影响多年的全体委员会。
Your work keeps giving to a school, club or town.你的工作不断向一所学校,俱乐部或镇。


Benefits ↓ 优点↓

Review the Benefits for Voters and Reps审查选民和代表的优势



全部精华 Give fair representation to all major groups.公平地代表所有的主要群体。
So the council enacts laws with real majorities .因此,安理会制定与法律的真正多数。

中心 Elect a central chairperson with wide appeal.选举中央 主席具有广泛的吸引力。 She will她将
swing vote between the reps from interest groups.摆动之间的利益集团的代表投票。

中心 Reduce deadlocks and upheavals in budgets or policies. 减少预算或政策的死锁 动荡。
Make shifts in power small, common and smooth.在功率小, 常见的和顺利的转变。

中心 Cut chances for agenda scams ; detach poison-pill and削减议程诈骗的机会; 分离毒
free-rider amendments . 搭便车 修正案 Speed-rank all options at once.速度排名所有选项一次。

项目 Give all reps equal funds for projects and agencies . 所有代表平等基金 项目机构
And let the voters easily see each rep's spending.让选民很容易地看到每个代表的消费。

Actions ↓ 操作↓


Learn more in this e-book, Accurate Democracy .在这本电子书,更准确民主
Then build support in your school, club or town with然后在您的学校,俱乐部或城镇建设的支持
FairVote , The Center for Voting and Democracy. FairVote ,投票和民主中心。

Steps toward accurate democracy include:走向准确民主的步骤包括:
组委会 Organize Voters, with Transferable Votes.组织选民, 可转让投票。
全部精华 Represent Everyone, with Proportional Representation.代表每个人, 比例代表制。
项目 Empower Everyone, with Fair-share Spending.赋予每个人, 公平份额消费。
中心 Center Policies, with Pairwise Winners.中心的政策,与成对的优胜者

This website has sim games and handouts,本网站SIM游戏和讲义,
plus free ballot-entry and tally software.加上自由选票进入理货软件。

Printouts ↓ 打印输出↓


Booklets and Slide Shows小册子和幻灯片

All-in-1 editions have the primer and workshop, graphics from PoliticalSim™, some FAQs and statistics to compare nations . 在1版本有底漆和车间,从PoliticalSim™,一些常见问题和统计数据的图形来比较国家。
Booklet size 小册子大小 Grade Booklet 小册子 Flat Font 字体 Paper
Paperback 平装 10 up 10高达 All-in-1 所有的- 1 All-in-1 所有的- 1 10 10 7 legal b4 7法律B4
Hardback 精装 12 up 12高达 All-in-1 所有的- 1 All-in-1 所有的- 1 12 12 14 letter a4 14日的信A4
" español 1'ed. “西班牙语1'ed。 12 12 Todo en 1 TODO EN 1 Todo en 1 TODO EN 1 11 11 14 letter a4 14日的信A4
" español 2'ed. “西班牙语2'ed。 12 12 Todo en 1 TODO EN 1 Todo en 1 TODO EN 1 11 11 14 letter a4 14日的信A4
Pocket B&W 掌上乙&W 9-12 9-12 Primer 底漆 Primer 底漆 10 10 4 letter a4 4信A4
Legal 法律 11 up 11高达 Primer 底漆 Workshop 研讨会 24 24 35 legal b4 35法律B4
Flipchart 挂图 11 up 11高达 Primer 底漆 Workshop 研讨会 36 36 70 legal b4 70法律B4
Slides 幻灯片 11 up 11高达 Primer 底漆 Workshop 研讨会 26 26 screen屏幕
" Outline “纲要 11 up 11高达 Primer 底漆 Workshop 研讨会 32 32 screen屏幕
Flats are corner stapled.单位角落装订。 Booklets are center stapled, then folded.小册子中心装订,然后折叠。
The booklets are arranged for two-sided printing:双面打印小册子安排:
Print half.打印一半。 Reload (restack if needed).重载(restack如果需要)。 Print the rest.打印的休息。
The abridged B&W pocket primer prints well on black-ink printers.删节的B&W的口袋底漆黑墨水的打印机打印。
The others look best on color printers.别人看最好的彩色打印机。

The teacher's version has space for notes on b4 legal paper. 老师的版本有B4的法律文件指出空间。
The Power Point slideshows also include discussion notes.电源点的幻灯片还包括讨论说明。
Workshop handouts can print on A4 letter paper (no cuts or folds) with plain columns, or a more colorful style. 研讨会讲义 ,可以打印A4信纸(没有削减或折叠) 纯列,或风格更加丰富多彩。

Covers printed on heavy card stock are nice for hardback and paperback size booklets. 包括重卡片上印是很好精装平装书大小的小册子。 The paperback size includes voting cards. 平装书的大小,包括投票卡。

If you would like more numbers and logic with fewer pictures, Democracy Evolves is again free to browse or print .如果你想用更少的图片更多的数字和逻辑,民主的演变又是免费浏览 打印。 It prints in B&W on the front and back of four letter-size A4 sheets.这四个字母的大小A4纸的正面和背面打印在B&W的。 It can be corner stapled with no cuts or folds.它可以是没有切割或折叠装订的角落。 The first page has the introduction to this primer; the other seven add to it at a first-year college level.第一页介绍了本读物,其他七个添加在第一年的大学水平。


This is “open source” writing, so edit the slides as you will and add your own slides for other topics.这是“开源”的写作,编辑的幻灯片,你会和你自己的幻灯片添加其他主题。 For example, US voters need concise statements of the principles and benefits in non-partisan redistricting, as practiced in Iowa, and public campaign funding, as practiced in Arizona, Maine, or North Carolina.例如,美国选民需要在爱荷华州实行无党派重新划分的原则和利益,和公共竞选资金,在亚利桑那州,缅因州,北卡罗莱纳州实行简洁的语句。

You may want to skip some topics or change the wording to suit an audience.你可能想跳过一些题目或改变措辞,以满足观众。 For legislators you might change “voter” to “rep” or “member” and you would do the opposite for a direct democracy.对立法者,您可能会改变“选民”的“代表”或“成员”,你会做一个直接民主的对面。 The latter might omit Instant Runoff Voting but keep Proportional Representation to select subcommittees.后者可能忽略即时决赛投票,但保持比例代表制选择的小组委员会。

Thanks to Steve Chessin for writing the original version of the “elevator pitch” for Proportional Representation.感谢史蒂夫Chessin写的“电梯间距”比例代表制的原始版本。 He, Terry Bouricius, and Zo Tobi each wrote quick pitches for Instant Runoff Voting which were the basis for the IRV slides above. ,特里Bouricius,他和莫宁TOBI即时决赛投票的IRV幻灯片上面的基础上,写的快速球场。 Overall editors include Tree Bressen, Cheryl Hogue, John Richardson, and Rob Richie.整体编辑包括树Bressen,谢丽尔霍格,约翰理查森和罗布里奇。 Many others have contributed ideas and writing.许多人都作出贡献的思想和写作。

Navigation : This page showed the need for better voting rules and their merits. The next page , a voting workshop , shows the simple steps in each tally and how they meet their goals. 导航 :这页显示下一页 ,需要更好的投票规则,其优点投票车间,显示在每个理货简单的步骤, 以及他们如何满足他们的目标。

After that, you may want to read the one-page introduction to each of the six voting tasks.在此之后,您可能需要阅读的单页介绍的六个投票的任务。 These tell how a task is like and unlike other uses of voting, what it must do, stories of tragedy and success, the best rule's name, its ballot and its main merits.这些告诉了任务似与不似其他用途的投票,它必须做什么,悲剧和成功的故事,最好的规则的名称,它的选票,其主要优点。

Accurate Democracy is organized by uses of voting:准确民主投票的用途:
elections and legislation, single winner and multi winner.选举和立法选举,单一的赢家和多赢家。