445.381FT 2000:    Discrete Applied Algebra

This homepage will provide links to materials distributed in class, and to information about the paper.

Lectures: Monday - Friday, 3.30 p.m.

Lecture Room: we meet daily in room 731.234

Semester Test: will be held on Friday 14 of April during lecture hours

Queries regarding this paper may be addressed to


The class representative for the paper is Champa Gujjanadu. She can be contacted by email:



I am sorry, the lecture notes on voting do not contain pictures. You have to put them there yourselves. Use your class notes for that. If you are not sure, show them to me.

A very interesting site about voting procedures is: Accurate Democracy Highly recommended.

Assignments and Exercises of 1999

Last changed 26 April 2000

Arkadii Slinko